Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hmm so where to start...

Really nothing interesting has been happening in my life. Sadly still no call from Cameron. Been talking to Austin a bit but I dunno... He keeps being all I miss you and whatever, and when i think about it... I really don't miss him. I miss the lies when I still believed in them, and the person I thought he was but essentially once everything came out, I sure as shit don't miss it. I don't miss the secrecy or him just completely ignoring me. And really he's not even overly good looking, wtf do I see in him. LOL. He doesn't have a job, he has a child, bums off everyone, steals and lies. Hmmm real good choice. God I wish Cameron would have called! haha oh well though..

So this past weekend my parents went camping. On Friday, I went with Sarah, Kels, Shawn and Mitchell to GP. We watched Sex In the City and I was sadly disapointed in that movie. (Speak of the devil Aus just texted me lol). We came home and Morgan, Sarah and I popped the fucking best tabs in the world! :) We literally danced for 4 hours straight... haha fun shit fo sho. But then I started to get a bit too messed up and went to bed. And then Morgan did it with Kelby -absolute randomly) in my bed. Slightly not too impressed with that... I don't know why she doesn't demand more respect from boys. Then we had e hangover syndrome the next day and didn't do a damn thing. Later that night a bunch of people came over and I proceeded to get pleasantly intoxicated lol. We decorated the night with a solid two hour round of "Would you suck it.." HAHAHA such a good game. Then the next day the parents came home and all fun over.

This weeks been off to a slow start. Yesterday I cut the grass, worked and went for a run. Successfully managed to get a blister... ontop of another blister. Terrific, I'd say. And today school, work and ended it off with dancing in the talent show. But anyhow I'm off, till another day fair friend...