Monday, October 4, 2010

My life

WOW! I haven't blogged in forever. That's a good thing though because all of my blogs are sad and depressing so that means life must be going good. :) I'm at the U of A in my first year, living in Lister. University is very tough and tiring. I really hope its worth it in the end. I get very lonely here, like yeah I have friends and everything, but they're not my real friends; not the people I can tell everything too. I really miss Cheeto and I hope more than anything he's being treated right. I'm exhausted from all the work I do, but some how I am managing with minimal breakdowns LOL.

Last week I went to L.A. to see Jay Leno and Ellen, as well as going to Disneyland. I shopped like crazy though! It was a very good trip minus Auntie Theresea, but lets try and keep things positive here! I'm behind in school and need to get my ass in some serious gear.

I'm still dating Cam and I presume things to be going very well. This is my first relationship that I've felt genuinely happy. I think about him all the time and I'm pretty sure he does the same. I miss him like crazy tho! Really wish he could come up more. We say "I love you" and I do truely feel it. I haven't felt like this since Mikey - but this is minus the abusive overtones. I hope he moves here and we can really start getting to know each other and spending more time together. I haven't felt this kind of attraction and that 'have to have you' kind of feeling for ages.

But anyways, thought I'd give a little update since I haven't in so long. I have a 51 page essay to read so I'm gonna get off here now. Bye love!

Ps. Over Austin, he's back with Noelani, and I can see him for the scum that he is. He tried to sleep together for the last month of school but I refrained all the while being with lani. God can I be happy I'm over that ugly unemployed selfish fat fuck :) and have moved on to sexy, considerate, interesting, self motivated Cam :)