Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Years Resolutions for 2010

1. Follow resolutions conclusively.
2. Stay under 140 lbs. Starting immediately. Weight today: 139.5.
3. Stop eating so much fast food. I'm always so sick because of how badly I eat.
4. Sleep more. Shoot for 8 hours minimum! This means going to bed before midnight on school days (omg!).
5. Train for and complete the 19 km leg in the Death Race.
6. Read more books.
7. Drink less.
8. Don't sleep around. Make a decision on whether it is in YOUR best interest to sleep with that person. When starting to see someone, wait before doing the deed. Always use protection and be safe.
9. Be sure to graduate.
10. Keep in touch with important friends.
11. When I make a commitment, keep it.
12. Don't prioritize friends over one another. They're all equal. Never let a guy come between friends.
13. Be less of a bitch. Keep radical opinions and judgements to self.

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