Sunday, January 10, 2010

So after my last post, I can greatfully say I have calmed down. But things did get worse before they could get better. So yesterday me and zane went and got woo from GP and she had a party for Jordie's 17th. But originally me Ty and Austin were going to go and retrieve woo from gp and see a movie and go for dinner. Ty wasn't allowed blah blah blah. But I wanted to do that so I didn't tell Austin I was mad at him. So then I go to woo's party and I'm still pissed. And everyone starts telling me that Taylor asked Austin to prom. So I was super fucking mad. And then I got railed and didn't talk to him the entire night.

So he said he didn't and its just Taylor being a dumb slut. I think I believe him because she's a dumb c word and totally would say something like that to piss me off. I'm not really in a blogging mood... Peace out A town

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