Thursday, January 7, 2010

Whats been a happening!

So exams are coming up, kill me! I am not prepared for any of them. Tomorrow and Saturday are dedicated to studying. Hoping I pass chem... and never have to touch it again!

Still have these god damn gallstones. Ate fries today with minimal pain. Wonder if these ever spontaneously go away? Well shouldn't test it cause I do need to be in tip top shape for the Death Race anyways. Gonna start the training tomorrow, I know that'll be brutes. I think I'm gonna pretty much quit drinking... like only for special occasions. Can't say the same about the other stuff; don't really think it has such a bad effect on running?

So on to the fun stuff! Boy stuff! Seeing Austin which is deece. Still unsure though... Like he's my ex-bestfriends baby daddy. How fucked is that!?! But I do really like him as a person though, it'd be way better if there wasn't all that baggage. But you can't help the way you feel, can you? He says he's gonna ask me something tomorrow... If he does ask me out I'm going to say no. Thats too much for me. Like we can see each other and eventually one day we will realize we're dating and be like wow that was easy. Or someone will ask and then we'll just know. Cuz right now, I sure as hell don't. I hope he doesn't ask cause he seems like the guy who will get all sad about it if I say no. But on the other hand that would likely be better than some awkward bad type question!

Well I think Imma hit the hay so nighty night!

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