Wednesday, May 5, 2010

So my last entry was pretty sad, I was feeling shitty. Things are looking up.... We are doing a performance while the band plays Thriller in front of quite a big crowd tomorrow. I've put alot of time into choreographing it and everything. I think we're gonna do great. All my girls have worked so hard. Been putting so much time and effort into it. But pretty sick right now... Uggghhh not fair. I think this is like the 7th really sick time since the beginning of school. I just get so sick of it. And hope to God there is nothing seriously wrong with me.

So boy wise I've calmed down. You know what they want to all be assholes, well fuck em. I think once I leave this town I will finally find someone I can relate too. Who isn't a teenage Dad, that can't even support his own child, and lays that responsibility around on everyone else, even though he can see how much it hurts them.

Sorry just this short entry, feeling tired. Nighty night! Love ya <3

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