Wednesday, May 26, 2010

So this past weekend was May long weekend. It certainly had its ups and downs that's for sure! I started it out on Thursday by going to the bar with Morgan. I got super hammered and somehow figured it was a good idea to Austin's house. And well one thing lead to another and we ended up doing the dirty haha. But then all of a sudden Evan bursts in and went fucking psycho. I've never even seen anyone act like that! He was throwing shit and hacking not only Austin but me as well. He even woke up Simone to inform her of what we were doing. Like wtf who does that?!? And then he full out brawled Austin. Worst night of life I swear to God! Anyways I don't even want to go into more detail about that retarded night. It was one of the biggest mistakes of my life.

But then Friday night was amazing! Me and Morgan went to the zoo and Cam was there. We hung out at the bar and like flirted all night and stuff. HAHA we even made out in front of Austin... Oopsie! LOL! And then I went to the HIV. Then me and Morgan went to the newfies house. But I don't really like those guys so I wanted to go home. Ty and 'G Holla' were gonna walk me home but then Cam called me! :) We hung out till like 5:30 in the morning! He's like so cool and super sweet. And he seemed really into me, but hasn't called? So I'm kinda like wtf?! Like he said he wanted to ask me out and like just said a whole bunch of really sweet stuff. But maybe he just talks a good talk? But I guess he told Clinton gang about me? So who knows... I hope he calls... lol

I've been working out a lot lately... starting to see some big changes in my body. I'm down to 137 pounds. I'm hoping for 130 by grad :) That would be like dream weight. But I'm out... I'll let ya know when something exciting happens haha

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